The opening and closing times for this year's show have recently been changed. They are not the same as previous years.
Back to Our Past is now opening earlier (at 11am each day) and closing earlier (at 6pm each day, instead of 7pm).
As a result, the timings for the DNA Lectures have been shifted back by 30 minutes and so each presentation will be starting 30 minutes sooner than previously advertised. Below is the revised Timetable together with a detailed breakdown of each of the talks.
Key: Y, Y-DNA topic; M, mtDNA topic; A, autosomal DNA topic
(click to enlarge) |
DNA Lecture Schedule
(Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2016)
by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic
11.10 - ISOGG Ireland update
Gerard Corcoran, ISOGG Ireland rep)
Subject: generalGerard gives an overview of recent developments in Irish genealogy and genetic genealogy in particular. His presentation will include the new opportunities afforded by the new EPIC Ireland exhibit, and other recent initiatives, and what they mean for the future of Irish genetic genealogy.
is the perfect presentation for the absolute beginner. If you have no idea how
DNA can help you in your family tree research then this is the talk for you.
Katherine gives an overview of the three different types of DNA test and how
each of them can help you break through Brick Walls in your own genealogical
13.00 - Testing Ancestral
Remains: the Barrymore Project
Ancient DNA
is the first privately-sponsored project to extract ancient DNA from ancestral
remains. Jim Barry raised the money for this project himself and gained
permission from the National Museum of Ireland to recover and test the remains
found in the Barrymore Mausoleum in Castlelyons, Co. Cork. The preliminary results presented here are
consistent with the hypothesis that the remains located there include those of
James Barry, 4th Earl of Barrymore (1667-1748). René & Jim will discuss how
the DNA was extracted and the results thus far.
14.00 - The DNA of the Dál
gCais & subclades discovered with Big-Y
DNA & the Gaelic Clans
Dál gCais is one of the oldest Gaelic Clans and gave rise to Brian Boru’s
branch among many others. In 2006 Dennis Wright discovered a distinctive set of
DNA markers that defined this Clan and since then advanced DNA testing has
helped clarify the branching pattern within this particular Clan, allowing
people to place themselves on particular branches of the Dalcassian family
tree. Dennis discusses the history of this project, how it has evolved over
time, and what the future holds for the men of the Dál gCais.
15.00 - Five Tips To Make
Sense of Your DNA Testing
Autosomal DNA
is a must for anyone who needs help understanding their autosomal DNA test
results. Diahan discusses various strategies for how to turn your list of genetic
cousins into ancestral discoveries. You will leave with a solid understanding
of how to start actually using your autosomal DNA testing in your genealogy.
16.00 - Recent Findings in
Ancient Irish DNA
Ancient DNA
ancient Irish skeletons are currently undergoing ancient DNA analysis. They
vary in age and some are up to 6000 years old. This year saw the publication of
the first of several papers reporting on the analysis of four such skeletons
which were found in Rathlin Island and Ballynahatty. Further research is
ongoing and here to give us an update is Prof Dan Bradley from Trinity College
17.00 - Adding DNA to your
Family History Society
are a variety of Family History Societies around Ireland and many of them have recently
started to incorporate DNA testing as part of their society’s activities. In
this presentation we hear from two such societies, one from Cork, the other
from Ballymena. Ann Marie and Maggie will be telling us how they did it, why
they did it, and what difference it has made to the members of their respective
11.10 - DNA testing for
covers all the basics about DNA testing – the three main types of DNA test,
what each one can do for you, and what kind of questions DNA can help you
answer in your own particular family tree research. If you have ever thought
about doing a DNA test (or even if you haven’t) this presentation will leave
you with all the information you need to dip your big toe in the genepool.
12.00 - The latest
developments in Y-DNA
years have seen a huge explosion in the number of DNA markers available for
testing on the Y-chromosome. And as more and more people have taken up these
advanced tests, our ability to build more accurate genealogical trees with genetic information has expanded. The new SNP results can combine with pre-existing STR data and genealogical research to create clearer branching patterns within surname projects and help our
understanding of the evolution of surnames within Ireland. John summarises
these recent advances and shows us where they might lead.
13.00 - The DNA of Clan
DNA & the Gaelic Clans
O’Brien surname is one of the most common in Ireland and the O’Brien DNA
Project is one of the most mature Surname DNA projects in existence. Dennis
discusses the DNA results of the project, how the O’Briens are genetically
related to the rest of the Dál gCais, differences and synergies between SNP
& STR marker results, and the implications of the DNA results for the
future of O’Brien family tree research.
14.00 - The Future of
autosomal DNA testing
Autosomal DNA
are some exciting developments in the field of autosomal DNA and Debbie will be
discussing the implications of these in her presentation. These developments
include some exciting refinements in genetic ethnic admixture estimates, as
well as new tools for categorising genetic cousin matches. We can expect more
tools and utilities in the near future and this presentation will give us some
insight into what we need and what we can expect.
15.00 - Identifying our
Soldiers of WWI
Ancient DNA
330,000 WWI soldiers are still missing-in-action on the Western Front. Every
year 30-60 soldiers (many of them Irish) are found during routine farm work.
This presentation discusses the identification process using examples from
recent finds (such as Fromelles) and how you can help the process to identify
your own war dead relatives.
16.00 - Investigating Family
History Mysteries with DNA: The Tools
Autosomal DNA
is a must-see presentation for anyone who wants to dig a bit deeper into their
autosomal DNA results. Jennifer presents a variety of different tools that can
prove useful in analysing your results, organising them so you can easily keep
track of what you are doing, and optimising your chances of making a
breakthrough in your own family tree research.
17.00 - Viking DNA in Ireland. Do you have some and where did it come from?
runs the Swedish DNA Project which currently boasts over 4000 members. He will
reveal how to recognise if your DNA is of Viking origin. He will also trace the DNA of the Vikings back to different parts of Scandinavia and all the
way back to when people first colonised Scandinavia at the end of the Ice Age.
If you suspect you are a Viking, this is for you.
11.10 - Using DNA to Solve Family Tree Mysteries
(Michelle Leonard, ISOGG, UK)
is another talk for complete beginners and will cover the three main types of
DNA testing. Michelle will focus on how it can help you confirm the accuracy of
your research, and find new cousins to help break through the roadblocks and
dead ends in your own research. Using personal success stories, Michelle talks
you through the process from getting your results to matching with cousins and
offers practical guidance on the best steps to take to succeed.
12.00 - Y-SNPs: Key to the future
(Robert Casey, ISOGG, USA)
explosion of Y-SNPs is having a major impact on Surname Projects. Robert
explores how Y-SNPs can be used to determine when Y-STR matches are not
actually related. Y-STR “signatures” are covered in depth and how these signatures
can be used to determine relatedness and predict Y-SNPs which in turn reduces Y-SNP
testing costs. The availability of this new and ever-increasing body of Y-DNA
data now allows the creation of reasonably accurate genetic descendant charts
by extending Y-STR signatures into the genealogical time frame.
13.00 - The Ups & Downes
of atDNA Matching
Autosomal DNA
is Chairman of the Clare Roots Society and has pioneered DNA testing in Clare
and surrounding areas. He has also DNA-tested numerous members of his extended
family and has had many genealogical successes with DNA. Here Paddy discusses
some of cases from his own experience, using them to illustrate how you can use
DNA (particularly autosomal DNA) to expand your own research and make
fascinating discoveries that you would otherwise have never known they existed.
14.00 - The genetic identification of the 1916 Cork Rebel, Thomas Kent
(Jens Carlsson, UCD, IRL)
Ancient DNA
remains of Thomas Kent, one of the 16 men executed after the Easter Rising,
were exhumed in June 2015 and reburied in Sep 2015 following a State funeral in
Castlelyons, Co. Cork. The only way to be sure that the remains were those of
Thomas Kent was to recover DNA and compare it with those of living relatives. The
scientific team was lead by Dr Carlsson from the UCD Earth Institute and here
he tells the story of the recovery and identification, and how recent advances
in DNA testing made this process a lot easier than it would have been ten years
15.00 - The Marriage of Genetics and Genealogy: A Case Study(
Diahan Southard, Your DNA Guide, USA)
Subject: Autosomal DNADiahan’s
mom was adopted from an unwed mother’s home in Seattle, Washington. But using a
combination of genetic and genealogical tools, she was able to reconnect with her
mom’s biological family. In this presentation you will learn how it has
affected their lives and you will leave with concrete ideas on how to apply
these same methods to your own personal genetic genealogical endeavours, whether
you are looking for your father, or your 3X Great Grandfather.
16.00 - Connecting your DNA
to the Ancient Irish Annals
DNA & the Gaelic Clans
set out to connect his Gleeson “Clan” to the Ancient Irish Annals, only to be
confronted with a variety of different hurdles and challenges. The same
obstacles are likely to be encountered by many genealogists and DNA Project
Administrators attempting to achieve the same objective and Maurice discusses
some hints and tips on how to approach these genealogical conundrums.
17.00 - The Irish DNA Atlas
Project – update Oct 2016
Autosomal DNA
returns to give us an update on this milestone project for Irish genealogy.
Over 200 people have been recruited, each with 8 great grandparents from the
same geographic area (c.50km radius). This gives us a snapshot of Irish
autosomal DNA from about 1850, prior to the major emigration of later years.
Already the project has identified distinct genetic groups within the Irish
population, many of them quite clearly geographically defined. But what else
have they recently discovered?
Maurie Gleeson
September 2016