Speaker Profiles - GGI2020 Belfast
Martin Hayden - The Power of X to unlock Family Mysteries
Andy Hochreiter - DNA for Beginners
Andrew Kane - The Beauty of DNA - local Success Stories
Debbie Kennett - The Promise & Limitations of autosomal DNA
Martin McDowell - The Ballycarry DNA Project: Initial Findings
Cathal McElgunn - Never Give Up ... Miracles Do Happen
Peter McWilliam - A Tale of Triangulated Segments: DNA & Early Records connect families from Clones & North America
Jonny Perl - DNA Painter: choose the right tool for the job
Donna Rutherford - Introducing Y-DNA for autosomal DNA testers
Mike Sager - The Tree of Mankind from FamilyTreeDNA
Ken & Alison Tait - Family Matters ... Distance No Object
Paddy Waldron - Eugene the Blackguard & the Lynches of Moveen West
Lara Cassidy
- Early Irelanders: who were they and what happened to them?
- The formation of the insular Atlantic genome: over 4000 years of continuity on Europe's northwest extreme?
Mags Gaulden - Canadian Casualty Identification Program: using databases to connect families to their lost soldiers
Michelle Patient - Irish DNA Down Under
David Pike - Did the Irish bring rare mtDNA to Newfoundland?
Dolores Quinlan - The DNA Journey: perspectives from Irish adoptees
Speaker Profiles - GGI2019 Belfast
Jerome de Groot - Double Helix History
James Irvine - Using Y-DNA in Practice
Debbie Kennett - DNA Testing for Complete Beginners
Linda Kerr - DNA tests, tips & tools: a guide for beginners
Michelle Leonard - Using DNA to solve adoption and unknown parentage mysteries
Alasdair Macdonald - Do you have the DNA of a Scottish clan?
Martin McDowell - Why testing at Ancestry is not enough
Cathal McElgunn - Fermanagh-Monaghan transborder DNA & History
Jonny Perl - Interpreting your matches with DNAPainter
Alan Rosborough - DNA successes of a non-DNA expert!
Donna Rutherford - Managing your DNA matches
Speaker Profiles - GGI2018 DublinAlan Rosborough - DNA successes of a non-DNA expert!
Donna Rutherford - Managing your DNA matches
John Brazil - Untangling a Tumbleweed Branch of the Tree of Mankind
Lara Cassidy - A Genomic Compendium of an Island: Documenting Continuity and Change across Irish Human Prehistory
John Cleary - Big Y, WGS, and the Future of Y-DNA
Gerard Corcoran - Expert Panel: DNA, Privacy & Data Protection
Martin Curley - The North East Galway DNA Project
Maurice Gleeson - How DNA can help at Tuam
James Irvine - DNA, Privacy & Data Protection
Debbie Kennett - Finding Missing Persons with DNA; & DNA for Beginners
Martin McDowell - Raising the Dead
Cathal McElgunn - Unusual use of Third Party Tools
Andrew Millard - WATO: the latest tool for your atDNA
O'Neill Project Team - Developments in O'Neill DNA Genealogy
Barbara Rae-Venter - Cold Case Solved: The Use of Autosomal DNA in Identifying Offenders & Victims of Violent Crime
Donna Rutherford - DNA testing for Genealogy – The Basics
Paddy Waldron - Expert Panel: Autosomal DNA Projects in Ireland
Speaker Profiles - GGI2018 Belfast
Katherine Borges - Introducing DNA for Genealogy
John Cleary - A Y-DNA Case Study of an Ulster family
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: the latest results
Maurice Gleeson - Breaking down Brick Walls using Triangulation
James Irvine - Y-DNA of a Scots-Irish Diaspora
Debbie Kennett - Mysteries of the Titanic solved by DNA
Brad Larkin - DNA, Clans & Monarchy
Michelle Leonard - Using autosomal DNA to maximum effect
Linda Magellan - Navigating the New World of Genetic Genealogy
Prof J P Mallory - Origins of the Irish
Martin McDowell - DNA & NIFHS ... a winning combination
Donna Rutherford - DNA & Game of Thrones
Speaker Profiles - GGI2017
Dan Bradley - Prehistoric genomics at the Atlantic Edge
Gianpiero Cavalleri - Genomic insights into the history of the Irish Travellers
Ann Marie Coghlan - Introducing DNA for family research
Gerard Corcoran - ISOGG Ireland Update (as part of Ask the Experts session)
John Cleary - Using Y-SNP Tests in Surname & Family Projects
Roberta Estes - Nine Autosomal Tools at Family Tree DNA & How to Use Them; & Autosomal DNA Through the Generations
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: update Oct 2017
Maurice Gleeson - What do your Y-DNA results mean? & Using Triangulation to break through your Irish Brick Wall
James Irvine - Surname DNA Projects - a holistic approach
Eppie Jones - Ancient DNA and the Genetic History of Europeans
Margaret Jordan - Y-Chromosome DNA and the Ireland yDNA Project
Debbie Kennett - Making sense of your Family Finder results
Michelle Leonard - DNA is Dynamite: How to Ignite your Ancestral Research
Gisli Palsson - Icelandic roots and identities: Genealogies, DNA, and personal names.
Donna Rutherford - DNA Testing - a Beginners' Guide
Hannes Schroeder - The Genetics of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Peter Sjölund - The Power of Mitochondrial DNA
Dave Vance - Building Descendancy Trees from your Y-DNA results
Paddy Waldron - Match Making in Clare using Y-DNA & atDNA
Speaker Profiles - GGI2016
Jim Barry - Testing Ancestral Remains: The Barrymore DNA Project
Katherine Borges - Introducing DNA for Genealogy
Prof Dan Bradley - Recent Findings in Ancient Irish DNA
Jens Carlsson - The genetic identification of the 1916 Cork Rebel, Thomas Kent
Robert Casey - Y-SNPs: Key to the future
Ann Marie Coghlan - Adding DNA to your Family History Society
Gerard Corcoran - ISOGG Ireland Update
John Cleary - The latest developments in Y-DNA
René Gapert - Testing Ancestral Remains: The Barrymore DNA Project
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: update Oct 2016
Maurice Gleeson - Identifying our Soldiers of WWI
Debbie Kennett - The Future of Autosomal DNA Testing
Michelle Leonard - Using DNA to Solve Family Tree Mysteries
Barbara Rae-Venter - Cold Case Solved: The Use of Autosomal DNA in Identifying Offenders & Victims of Violent Crime
Donna Rutherford - DNA testing for Genealogy – The Basics
Paddy Waldron - Expert Panel: Autosomal DNA Projects in Ireland
John Cleary - A Y-DNA Case Study of an Ulster family
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: the latest results
Maurice Gleeson - Breaking down Brick Walls using Triangulation
James Irvine - Y-DNA of a Scots-Irish Diaspora
Debbie Kennett - Mysteries of the Titanic solved by DNA
Brad Larkin - DNA, Clans & Monarchy
Michelle Leonard - Using autosomal DNA to maximum effect
Linda Magellan - Navigating the New World of Genetic Genealogy
Prof J P Mallory - Origins of the Irish
Martin McDowell - DNA & NIFHS ... a winning combination
Donna Rutherford - DNA & Game of Thrones
Speaker Profiles - GGI2017
Gianpiero Cavalleri - Genomic insights into the history of the Irish Travellers
Ann Marie Coghlan - Introducing DNA for family research
Gerard Corcoran - ISOGG Ireland Update (as part of Ask the Experts session)
John Cleary - Using Y-SNP Tests in Surname & Family Projects
Roberta Estes - Nine Autosomal Tools at Family Tree DNA & How to Use Them; & Autosomal DNA Through the Generations
Maurice Gleeson - What do your Y-DNA results mean? & Using Triangulation to break through your Irish Brick Wall
James Irvine - Surname DNA Projects - a holistic approach
Eppie Jones - Ancient DNA and the Genetic History of Europeans
Margaret Jordan - Y-Chromosome DNA and the Ireland yDNA Project
Debbie Kennett - Making sense of your Family Finder results
Michelle Leonard - DNA is Dynamite: How to Ignite your Ancestral Research
Gisli Palsson - Icelandic roots and identities: Genealogies, DNA, and personal names.
Donna Rutherford - DNA Testing - a Beginners' Guide
Hannes Schroeder - The Genetics of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Peter Sjölund - The Power of Mitochondrial DNA
Dave Vance - Building Descendancy Trees from your Y-DNA results
Speaker Profiles - GGI2016
Katherine Borges - Introducing DNA for Genealogy
Prof Dan Bradley - Recent Findings in Ancient Irish DNA
Jens Carlsson - The genetic identification of the 1916 Cork Rebel, Thomas Kent
Robert Casey - Y-SNPs: Key to the future
Ann Marie Coghlan - Adding DNA to your Family History Society
Gerard Corcoran - ISOGG Ireland Update
John Cleary - The latest developments in Y-DNA
René Gapert - Testing Ancestral Remains: The Barrymore DNA Project
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: update Oct 2016
Maurice Gleeson - Identifying our Soldiers of WWI
Debbie Kennett - The Future of Autosomal DNA Testing
Michelle Leonard - Using DNA to Solve Family Tree Mysteries
Maggie Lyttle - Adding DNA to your Family History Society
Linda Magellan - DNA testing for beginners
Dennis O'Brien - The DNA of Clan O’Brien
Peter Sjölund - Viking DNA in Ireland. Do you have some and where did it come from?
Diahan Southard - "Five Tips To Make Sense of Your DNA Testing" & "The Marriage of Genetics and Genealogy: A Case Study"
Paddy Waldron - The Ups & Downes of atDNA Matching
Dennis Wright - The DNA of the Dál gCais and sub-clades discovered with Big-Y
Jennifer Zinck - Investigating Family History Mysteries with DNA: The Tools
Speaker Profiles - GGI2015
Brian Swann - Welsh-Norman & Irish interactions through the Past
Speaker Profiles - GGI2014
Tyrone Bowes - Pinpointing Your Irish Origin using Commercial Ancestral DNA Testing
Katherine Borges - The Irish-American DNA connection
Katherine Borges - The basics of DNA testing
Prof Dan Bradley - DNA and the Irish past
Gerard Corcoran - Using Genetic Genealogy to map Inbound & Outbound Migrations from Ireland
John Creer - How DNA testing and analysis has transformed the knowledge of a Manx family’s history – so far!
Maurice Gleeson - Which DNA test is best for you?
Maurice Gleeson - Autosomal DNA, Adoptees, & finding long lost Irish relatives
Patrick Guinness - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)
Margaret Jordan - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)
Debbie Kennett - DNA for beginners: the three tests
Debbie Kennett - Chromosomes, conquerors and castles: DNA testing and the Cruise/Cruse/Cruwys one-name study
Adrian Martyn - The Medieval Families of Galway Town
Nigel McCarthy - DNA profiling of McCarthy septs and agnomens
Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross, Nigel McCarthy, Finbar O'Mahony - The Munster Irish DNA Project and the Men of Munster – Who Are They?
Finbar O'Mahony - The O'Mahony surname study
Geoff Swinfield - How DNA ruined my family tree!
Cynthia Wells - Exploring the Mysteries ~ Exploding the Myths ~ Expanding your Family History with DNA
The lectures were sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).
Linda Magellan - DNA testing for beginners
Dennis O'Brien - The DNA of Clan O’Brien
Peter Sjölund - Viking DNA in Ireland. Do you have some and where did it come from?
Diahan Southard - "Five Tips To Make Sense of Your DNA Testing" & "The Marriage of Genetics and Genealogy: A Case Study"
Paddy Waldron - The Ups & Downes of atDNA Matching
Dennis Wright - The DNA of the Dál gCais and sub-clades discovered with Big-Y
Jennifer Zinck - Investigating Family History Mysteries with DNA: The Tools
Speaker Profiles - GGI2015
Emily Aulicino - Getting the most out of your autosomal DNA results
Prof Dan Bradley - The Best Bones, Ancient Genomics, & Transitions in European Prehistory
John Cleary - The Big Y - SNP testing
Deb Gellerson & Margaret LaCombe - The Maine Gaeltacht Project
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project
Deb Gellerson & Margaret LaCombe - The Maine Gaeltacht Project
Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project
Maurice Gleeson - Building a Family Tree with SNPs, STRs, & Named People
James Irvine - A Scots-Irish Case Study: the Irwin DNA Project
Debbie Kennett - DNA for Beginners
Prof J P Mallory - Irish Origins Revisited
Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross, Finbar O'Mahony - The Munster Irish DNA Project - an Update Two Years On & An Explosion of SNPs
Brian Swann - Welsh-Norman & Irish interactions through the Past
Dr Cathy Swift - Of Mice and Viking Men
Speaker Profiles - GGI2014
Emily Aulicino - Who’s Your Cousin? atDNA Knows!
Katherine Borges - DNA testing basics
Kirsten Bos - Plagues of our Ancestors as revealed through Ancient DNA
Kirsten Bos - Plagues of our Ancestors as revealed through Ancient DNA
Tyrone Bowes - Pinpointing Your Irish Origin and beyond
Paul Burns - The Byrne / Burns / Beirne Surname Project
Paul Burns & Richard M Byrne - The Clan O'Byrne of Leinster as Defined by its DNA
John Cleary - How to enhance your Y-DNA results through surname & haplogroup projects
Gerard Corcoran - Using Genetic Genealogy to map Irish Migrations
Gerard Corcoran - Using Genetic Genealogy to map Irish Migrations
Patrick Guinness - The Clans of the North West and their DNA profiles
Debbie Kennett - DNA for beginners
Brad Larkin - The Future of Genetic Genealogy
Michelle Leonard - Identifying the Fallen Soldiers of WW1 – DNA on the battlefield
Cynthia Wells - Reconstructing Irish-Caribbean Ancestry
Speaker Profiles - GGI2013
Tyrone Bowes - Pinpointing Your Irish Origin using Commercial Ancestral DNA Testing
Katherine Borges - The Irish-American DNA connection
Katherine Borges - The basics of DNA testing
Prof Dan Bradley - DNA and the Irish past
Gerard Corcoran - Using Genetic Genealogy to map Inbound & Outbound Migrations from Ireland
John Creer - How DNA testing and analysis has transformed the knowledge of a Manx family’s history – so far!
Maurice Gleeson - Which DNA test is best for you?
Maurice Gleeson - Autosomal DNA, Adoptees, & finding long lost Irish relatives
Patrick Guinness - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)
Margaret Jordan - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)
Debbie Kennett - DNA for beginners: the three tests
Debbie Kennett - Chromosomes, conquerors and castles: DNA testing and the Cruise/Cruse/Cruwys one-name study
Adrian Martyn - The Medieval Families of Galway Town
Nigel McCarthy - DNA profiling of McCarthy septs and agnomens
Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross, Nigel McCarthy, Finbar O'Mahony - The Munster Irish DNA Project and the Men of Munster – Who Are They?
Finbar O'Mahony - The O'Mahony surname study
Geoff Swinfield - How DNA ruined my family tree!
Cynthia Wells - Exploring the Mysteries ~ Exploding the Myths ~ Expanding your Family History with DNA
The lectures were sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).
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