Speaker Profiles

These are in alphabetical order by surname (and the year of presentation). Just click on the relevant presentation to read the Speaker's profile. Many of the presentations are available to view free of charge on the GGI YouTube channel (just click here).

Speaker Profiles - GGI2020 Belfast

Martin Hayden - The Power of X to unlock Family Mysteries

Andy Hochreiter - DNA for Beginners

Andrew Kane - The Beauty of DNA - local Success Stories

Debbie Kennett - The Promise & Limitations of autosomal DNA

Martin McDowell - The Ballycarry DNA Project: Initial Findings

Cathal McElgunn - Never Give Up ... Miracles Do Happen

Peter McWilliam - A Tale of Triangulated Segments: DNA & Early Records connect families from Clones & North America

Jonny Perl - DNA Painter: choose the right tool for the job

Donna Rutherford - Introducing Y-DNA for autosomal DNA testers

Mike Sager - The Tree of Mankind from FamilyTreeDNA

Ken & Alison Tait - Family Matters ... Distance No Object

Paddy Waldron - Eugene the Blackguard & the Lynches of Moveen West

Speaker Profiles - GGI2019 Dublin

Katherine Borges - Epigenetics for the Genetic Genealogist

Lara Cassidy
- Early Irelanders: who were they and what happened to them?
- The formation of the insular Atlantic genome: over 4000 years of continuity on Europe's northwest extreme?

Mags Gaulden - Canadian Casualty Identification Program: using databases to connect families to their lost soldiers

Bart Jaski - Irish genealogies & DNA: back into the mythological past

Michelle Leonard  - Using GenomeMate Pro & other tools

Iain McDonald - Exploring new Y-DNA Horizons with Big Y-700

Regina Negrycz - An Irish-Ukrainian Case Study

Michelle Patient - Irish DNA Down Under

David Pike - Did the Irish bring rare mtDNA to Newfoundland?

Dolores Quinlan - The DNA Journey: perspectives from Irish adoptees

Rob Warthen & John Collins - The tools at DNAgedcom & Genetic.Family

Speaker Profiles - GGI2019 Belfast

John Cleary - Using Y-DNA to investigate Ulster & Scottish surnames

Jerome de Groot - Double Helix History

James Irvine - Using Y-DNA in Practice

Debbie Kennett - DNA Testing for Complete Beginners

Linda Kerr - DNA tests, tips & tools: a guide for beginners

Michelle Leonard  - Using DNA to solve adoption and unknown parentage mysteries

Alasdair Macdonald - Do you have the DNA of a Scottish clan?

Martin McDowell - Why testing at Ancestry is not enough

Cathal McElgunn - Fermanagh-Monaghan transborder DNA & History

Jonny Perl - Interpreting your matches with DNAPainter

Alan Rosborough - DNA successes of a non-DNA expert!

Donna Rutherford - Managing your DNA matches

Speaker Profiles - GGI2018 Dublin

Katherine Borges - Introducing DNA Painter

John Brazil - Untangling a Tumbleweed Branch of the Tree of Mankind

Lara Cassidy - A Genomic Compendium of an Island: Documenting Continuity and Change across Irish Human Prehistory

John Cleary - Big Y, WGS, and the Future of Y-DNA

Gerard Corcoran - Expert Panel: DNA, Privacy & Data Protection

Martin Curley - The North East Galway DNA Project

Maurice Gleeson - How DNA can help at Tuam

James Irvine - DNA, Privacy & Data Protection

Debbie Kennett - Finding Missing Persons with DNA; & DNA for Beginners

Martin McDowell - Raising the Dead

Cathal McElgunn - Unusual use of Third Party Tools

Andrew Millard - WATO: the latest tool for your atDNA

O'Neill Project Team - Developments in O'Neill DNA Genealogy

Barbara Rae-Venter - Cold Case Solved: The Use of Autosomal DNA in Identifying Offenders & Victims of Violent Crime

Donna Rutherford - DNA testing for Genealogy – The Basics

Paddy Waldron - Expert Panel: Autosomal DNA Projects in Ireland

Speaker Profiles - GGI2018 Belfast

Katherine Borges  - Introducing DNA for Genealogy

John Cleary  - A Y-DNA Case Study of an Ulster family

Ed Gilbert  - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: the latest results

Maurice Gleeson  - Breaking down Brick Walls using Triangulation

James Irvine - Y-DNA of a Scots-Irish Diaspora

Debbie Kennett  - Mysteries of the Titanic solved by DNA

Brad Larkin - DNA, Clans & Monarchy

Michelle Leonard  - Using autosomal DNA to maximum effect

Linda Magellan - Navigating the New World of Genetic Genealogy

Prof J P Mallory - Origins of the Irish

Martin McDowell - DNA & NIFHS ... a winning combination

Donna Rutherford - DNA & Game of Thrones

Speaker Profiles - GGI2017

Dan Bradley - Prehistoric genomics at the Atlantic Edge

Gianpiero Cavalleri - Genomic insights into the history of the Irish Travellers

Ann Marie Coghlan - Introducing DNA for family research

Gerard Corcoran  - ISOGG Ireland Update (as part of Ask the Experts session)

John Cleary  - Using Y-SNP Tests in Surname & Family Projects

Roberta Estes - Nine Autosomal Tools at Family Tree DNA & How to Use Them; & Autosomal DNA Through the Generations

Ed Gilbert  - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: update Oct 2017

Maurice Gleeson  - What do your Y-DNA results mean? & Using Triangulation to break through your Irish Brick Wall

James Irvine - Surname DNA Projects - a holistic approach

Eppie Jones - Ancient DNA and the Genetic History of Europeans

Margaret Jordan - Y-Chromosome DNA and the Ireland yDNA Project

Debbie Kennett  - Making sense of your Family Finder results

Michelle Leonard  - DNA is Dynamite: How to Ignite your Ancestral Research

Gisli Palsson - Icelandic roots and identities: Genealogies, DNA, and personal names.

Donna Rutherford - DNA Testing - a Beginners' Guide

Hannes Schroeder - The Genetics of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Peter Sjölund - The Power of Mitochondrial DNA

Dave Vance - Building Descendancy Trees from your Y-DNA results

Paddy Waldron - Match Making in Clare using Y-DNA & atDNA

Speaker Profiles - GGI2016

Jim Barry - Testing Ancestral Remains: The Barrymore DNA Project

Katherine Borges  - Introducing DNA for Genealogy

Prof Dan Bradley  - Recent Findings in Ancient Irish DNA

Jens Carlsson - The genetic identification of the 1916 Cork Rebel, Thomas Kent

Robert Casey - Y-SNPs: Key to the future

Ann Marie Coghlan - Adding DNA to your Family History Society

Gerard Corcoran  - ISOGG Ireland Update

John Cleary  - The latest developments in Y-DNA

René Gapert - Testing Ancestral Remains: The Barrymore DNA Project

Ed Gilbert  - The Irish DNA Atlas Project: update Oct 2016

Maurice Gleeson  - Identifying our Soldiers of WWI

Debbie Kennett  - The Future of Autosomal DNA Testing

Michelle Leonard  - Using DNA to Solve Family Tree Mysteries

Maggie Lyttle - Adding DNA to your Family History Society

Linda Magellan - DNA testing for beginners

Dennis O'Brien - The DNA of Clan O’Brien

Peter Sjölund - Viking DNA in Ireland. Do you have some and where did it come from?

Diahan Southard - "Five Tips To Make Sense of Your DNA Testing" & "The Marriage of Genetics and Genealogy: A Case Study"

Paddy Waldron - The Ups & Downes of atDNA Matching

Dennis Wright - The DNA of the Dál gCais and sub-clades discovered with Big-Y

Jennifer Zinck - Investigating Family History Mysteries with DNA: The Tools

Speaker Profiles - GGI2015

Emily Aulicino - Getting the most out of your autosomal DNA results

Prof Dan BradleyThe Best Bones, Ancient Genomics, & Transitions in European Prehistory

Gerard CorcoranISOGG Ireland update 

John Cleary - Getting the most out of your Y-DNA results

John Cleary - The Big Y - SNP testing

Deb Gellerson & Margaret LaCombe - The Maine Gaeltacht Project

Ed Gilbert - The Irish DNA Atlas Project

Maurice Gleeson - Which DNA test is best for you?

Maurice Gleeson - Building a Family Tree with SNPs, STRs, & Named People

James Irvine - A Scots-Irish Case Study: the Irwin DNA Project

Debbie Kennett - DNA for Beginners

Debbie Kennett - I've got my autosomal DNA results but now what do I do?

Linda Kerr - DNA for Absolute Beginners

Brad Larkin - Understanding DNA in the News

Brad Larkin - The Future of Genetic Genealogy

Prof J P Mallory - Irish Origins Revisited

Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross, Finbar O'MahonyThe Munster Irish DNA Project - an Update Two Years On & An Explosion of SNPs

Brian Swann - Welsh-Norman & Irish interactions through the Past

Dr Cathy Swift - Irish Clans & Irish identity

Dr Cathy Swift - Of Mice and Viking Men

Speaker Profiles - GGI2014

Maurice Gleeson - Which DNA test is best for you?

Debbie Kennett - DNA for beginners

Speaker Profiles - GGI2013

Tyrone Bowes - Pinpointing Your Irish Origin using Commercial Ancestral DNA Testing

Katherine Borges - The Irish-American DNA connection

Katherine Borges - The basics of DNA testing

Prof Dan Bradley - DNA and the Irish past

Gerard Corcoran - Using Genetic Genealogy to map Inbound & Outbound Migrations from Ireland

John Creer - How DNA testing and analysis has transformed the knowledge of a Manx family’s history – so far!

Maurice Gleeson - Which DNA test is best for you?

Maurice Gleeson - Autosomal DNA, Adoptees, & finding long lost Irish relatives

Patrick Guinness - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)

Margaret Jordan - The Genetic History of Ireland (panel discussion)

Debbie Kennett - DNA for beginners: the three tests

Debbie Kennett - Chromosomes, conquerors and castles: DNA testing and the Cruise/Cruse/Cruwys one-name study

Adrian Martyn - The Medieval Families of Galway Town

Nigel McCarthy - DNA profiling of McCarthy septs and agnomens

Elizabeth O'Donoghue/Ross, Nigel McCarthy, Finbar O'Mahony - The Munster Irish DNA Project and the Men of Munster – Who Are They?

Finbar O'Mahony - The O'Mahony surname study

Geoff Swinfield - How DNA ruined my family tree!

Cynthia Wells - Exploring the Mysteries ~ Exploding the Myths ~ Expanding your Family History with DNA

The lectures were sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).

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