With Who Do You Think You Are just finished in Birmingham, we can look forward to Back to Our Past in Dublin, which this year runs from October 21st - 23rd.
The Back to Our Past website has been redesigned and this year will usher in some new changes to the exhibition too. There is already an exciting line-up of speakers at this year's Genetic Genealogy Ireland (the DNA Lectures at BTOP) - more to follow shortly!
Here is a recent announcement from the Back to Our Past team:
Ireland's Only Dedicated Genealogy and Family/Social History Event Returns to the RDS for the 7th Year!
Welcome to the first newsletter of Back to Our Past, brought to you by the organisers of the Back to Our Past Exhibition which takes place in October every year in the RDS. Over the next few months we will be updating you with news not just on this years event, but on genealogy/family history in general. So if you have an interest in this field, we'd like to hear from you |
Back to Our Past Also Featuring...Antique Valuations with Eric Knowles, a series of free presentations and much much more! |
We have redesigned our Back to Our Past website and want to update it on a regular basis with latest news stories plus topical and relevant articles from the field of genealogy/family history. So get in touch with us below |