Friday, 15 November 2013

GGI2013 feedback at 9th FTDNA Annual Conference in Houston

Maurice Gleeson presents
at FTDNA Conference
On Sunday 10th November, Maurice Gleeson provided feedback on GGI2013 at the 9th Annual Conference of FamilyTreeDNA, sponsors of GGI2013. His presentation emphasised the success of Ireland's first genetic genealogy conference and was enthusiastically received by both the sponsors FTDNA and the assembled audience of about 250 project administrators. With a bit of luck, we will be able to repeat the event again next year.

The FTDNA conference was very well attended and there were some excellent presentations. Several people did extensive write-ups of the conference and Debbie Kennett has summarised them in her blog post here.

In addition, FTDNA announced a special offer!

FTDNA's new Big Y test
The Big Y DNA Test replaces the Walk the Y test and covers 10 million base pairs. It will help identify many more SNP markers and will help further elucidate the finer branches of the Y-DNA haplotree. It is on offer at $200 less than it's normal price until December 1st 2013.

You can read more about the test at Debbie Kennett's blog and Roberta Estes blog.