
Tuesday 28 January 2020

ISOGG Day Out (GGI2020 Belfast)

Genetic Genealogy Ireland is known for its wild parties and hectic social life, which usually involves an overturned mobility scooter.

This year is no different and after the 2 days of DNA Lectures we will be having a day out where we can all let our hair down (them of us wot have any) and relax. We also have some great restaurants lined up for the evening debrief following each day at the conference. Here is what's in store.

Thursday (13 Feb)
6pm ... The Sonoma Restaurant at the Hilton Hotel, for those that arrive early and aren't sleeping off their jet lag. You can enjoy panoramic views over the River Lagan from the floor to ceiling windows that stretch the length of the restaurant. Menu available here. Booked for 18 people under the name "Maurice".
Address: 4 Lanyon Pl, Belfast BT1 3LP

Friday (14 Feb) - St Valentine's Day
5.30 - 7.30pm ... Dinner at Home ... Cosy, casual dining offering modern European cuisine, alongside the sale of art and second-hand furniture! We will need to preorder so check out the new menu from Feb 5th. Vegetarian & vegan options also available. Booked for 24 people.
As we will finish early (7.30pm), we can make our way to the Europa Hotel for post-dinner drinks - it is just past the Grand Opera House.
Address: 22 Wellington Pl, Belfast BT1 6GE

Saturday (15 Feb)
6pm ... Josper's Restaurant at Ten Square Hotel - Sophisticated, hotel establishment featuring upscale, charcoal-grilled steaks & seafood entrees. Check out vegan and vegetarian options here. We need to pre-order the meals 3 days in advance so check out the menu here. Booked for 22 people.
Address: 10 Donegall Square S, Belfast BT1 5JD

Sunday (16 Feb)
9.30 ... A Tour of Queens University Belfast (QUB) and the Botanic Gardens. The University shows off some stunning architecture with a Tudor-style main building. It is known for its humanities, science and medicine programs. The Botanic Gardens date from 1828 and feature tropical species & an elegant domed conservatory built by Bruce Forsyth's grandfather. The tropical ravine is home to a host of rare tropical plants. 22 people expected.
Cost: £6 per person (payable to our guide Oliver on the day)
Meet in front of the War Memorial on University Rd at 9.30am
Address: University Rd, Belfast BT9 6AY (directions)

11.00 ... There are two alternative options - coffee or trees. Those who wish to can undertake a tour of the Botanic Gardens for only £3, bookable in advance here. This lasts 1.5 hours so you will miss the lecture by Adam Rutherford (see below) unless you cut the tour short and dash over to Whitla Hall.
Click here to book (£3)
... or alternatively ...

11.00 ... coffee in Hope Cafe in the McClay Library, QUB
Address: 6 College Park Ave, Belfast BT7 1PS (directions)

11.30 ... assemble in the lobby of Whitla Hall, Queens University Belfast for lectures by Adam Rutherford & Alice Roberts as part of the Northern Ireland Science Festival 2020.
Address: Queen's University, Belfast BT7 1NN (directions)

Click here to Book (£8)
Click here to Book (£14)

1pm ... quick lunch at nearby restaurants (i.e. in between the two lectures)
1) Conor - 11a Stranmillis Rd, Belfast BT9 5AF (directionsmenu). Booked provisionally for 22 people.
2) Maggie Mays - 2 Malone Rd, Belfast BT9 5BN (directions, menu)
3) Deane's at Queens - 1 College Gardens, Belfast BT9 6BQ (directions, menu)

3.15pm ... coffee at the Ulster Museum
Address: Botanic Ct, Belfast BT9 5AB (directions)

3.45pm ... Tour of the Ulster Museum (free)
The museum boasts a range of permanent exhibitions of interest to the intrepid genetic genealogist including ...

5.30pm ... Dinner at Yum Restaurant. Subtly lit, modern international eatery with colourful hanging lamps, frescos and banquette seating. This trendy restaurant has a host of vegetarian options. You can see the menu here. Booked for 16.
Address: 157 Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AJ

9.30pm ... "Home, James ... and don't spare the horses"

See you in Belfast!

Maurice Gleeson
Jan 2020

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