
Monday 6 October 2014

Kirsten Bos ... Plagues of our Ancestors as revealed through Ancient DNA

Name - Dr Kirsten Bos
Department of Prehistory
University of Tuebingen

Accolades, etc - PhD, McMaster University, Canada, 2011

Day Job - Kirsten is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tuebingen, where she specializes in ancient DNA, old human bones, and infectious diseases. Using ancient DNA, Kirsten investigates the changing landscape of infectious disease through time by piecing together molecules that have preserved for up to 1000 years in the bones of our ancestors. This is her first appearance at GGI ... and her first time in Dublin!

Night Job - Former principal oboe, Guelph Symphony Orchestra

How did you get into genealogy?
Academic interest, helping my adoptee husband find his birth family

So what will you be talking about?
The recovery of ancient DNA from archeological tissues gives us an important window into the past. Old bones hold secrets to the lives of our ancestors - who they were, what they ate, where they traveled, and what illnesses they had. Using state of the art biological techniques, we can now get an idea of what pathogens were plaguing people hundreds of years ago. Secrets about the Black Death, the Irish potato famine, and tuberculosis will be revealed in exciting detail.

Where can people get more information about you or your topic?

My website -

Academic websites

These lectures are sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by volunteers from ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).

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