
Thursday 2 October 2014

Emily Aulicino - Speaker Profile

Name - Emily Aulicino

Accolades - BS (History), Masters in Education, ISOGG Regional Co-ordinator, Member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), Genealogical Council of Oregon (GCO)

Day Job - I am a retired teacher who currently assists people write their childhood memories and family stories as well as giving presentations on genetic genealogy, both nationally and internationally.

How did you get into genealogy?
When I was ten I received my first Bible. I was greatly interested in the center pages with the pedigree chart and started asking questions then to complete it. Once out of college, I began in earnest. After ordering my maternal grandmother’s death certificate and realizing she was born in a county further south of where I was living, I visited a local genealogical library and discovered a county history for that county. Three of my ancestors were in the biographical section and at the mention of a photographer’s collection being housed in their historical society, I wrote the society. The reply came from a distant cousin who provided me with 1870 photos of my maternal great-great grandmother and her parents and brother. I visited the area and found gravestones of her relatives and others. I was hooked!

What about your involvement with genetic genealogy?
Chet Ogan, a DNA cousin, who tested with Family Tree DNA for the Border Reivers Y-DNA project, told me about DNA testing for genealogy. This enticed me to start the Ogan Y-chromosome DNA Project in September 2005. Katherine Borges, director of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG), persuaded me to become an ISOGG speaker in November of that year when I attended my first Family Tree DNA conference in Washington DC just two months after becoming a DNA project administrator. I now run thirteen DNA projects and have written a book for beginning genetic genealogists entitled: Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond which is available through, AuthorHouse and Barnes and Noble online in a soft cover or as an e-book.

So what will you be talking about at GGI2015?

The following is the agenda for my Autosomal DNA presentation:

atDNA Review
Reasons to test autosomal DNA
Obtaining Maximum Results
  • Before contacting cousins
  • Contacting cousins
  • Determining matches
  • myOrgins
  • GEDmatch
  • Resources
Autosomal DNA is the most exciting DNA test available. A tester receives matches from the descendants of their sixty-four fourth great-grandparents and sometimes beyond. This test covers all the lines of a six-generation pedigree chart. This session will review a few basic terms for autosomal testing, help you understand how autosomal DNA and the X-chromosome is inherited, and clarify the reasons this test is so valuable to genealogy.

Learn how to best benefit from your test results and what steps to take once you have tested. While you are waiting for your result, learn how to prepare for contacting your matches. If you have already tested, this presentation will provide ideas on contacting your new cousins as well has finding the common ancestor you share. A handout is available, and two e-books for Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond will be raffled (free) at the presentation.
What DNA tests will be discussed?
Autosomal DNA

Where can people get more information about you or your topic?

My blog -

My book -

My APG webpage -

These lectures are sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by volunteers from ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).

You can download Emily's handouts from GGI2014 here -

You can watch a video of the GGI2014 presentation by simply clicking on the image below. To watch it in Full Screen, click on the "square" icon in the bottom right of the screen.

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