
Tuesday 15 October 2013

The Genetic History of Ireland - discussion panel

An especially convened panel will discuss the genetic history of Ireland at the first day of Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2013. The panel will explore the different genetic imprints that various migrations have left on the island and will delve deeply into the various subgroups of the R1b haplogroup, the most common genetic signature of the Irish people.

The panel will review the cutting edge work that is currently ongoing in this area and discuss the possible implications for Irish genealogy.

The panellists include:
Dan Bradley
Patrick Guinness
Margaret Jordan
Elizabeth O’Donoghue/Ross
Nigel McCarthy
Finbar O’Mahony

The panel discussion takes place in Speakers Area 3 at 16.45 on Friday Oct 18th at the Back to Our Past exhibition at the RDS, Ballsbridge.

The lectures were sponsored by FamilyTreeDNA and organised by ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogy).

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