
Wednesday 18 September 2013

Ask a question on our Facebook page

We've just set up a Facebook group to make it easier for you to ask your questions about DNA and how it can help with your own family tree research. The group is open to the general public and anyone can join.

The aim of this group is simple - to encourage people living in Ireland today to have a DNA test.

Six million people live in Ireland today and they hold in their DNA the answer that the 70 million people of the Irish diaspora are asking: where did my Irish ancestors come from?

DNA can be a very powerful tool indeed. It can confirm relationships you didn't know existed, it can break through the Brick Walls you hit in your own research, it can take your family tree back beyond 1800, it can even tell you to what Irish Clan you probably belonged.

And this is only the beginning for DNA - the science is moving so fast that the scientists are running to keep up. And that's where you come in ...

The more people living in Ireland who get tested, the more we will find out about our unique genetic heritage.

An army of genetic genealogists have volunteered to help. Giving of their own time, they have set up DNA projects to help you find out more about your genetic signature, discover the origins of your surname, and connect you with cousins you never knew you had. So help is out there and all you have to do is have a DNA test.

So get tested today!

The greatest book of Irish history is written in your DNA.

Any questions?
Are you living in Ireland? Do you have a question about DNA, and how it can help out with your family tree? Then join the Facebook group, post your queries, and get your answers.

There is a huge community of genetic genealogists, both at home and abroad, who are passionate about their calling and enthusiastic about helping. There are many experienced genetic genealogists with Irish expertise and you can benefit from their wisdom and passion simply by joining the group and asking a question. Someone is bound to know the answer!

If you are completely new to DNA testing and how it can help you, our introduction to DNA testing should help answer a few questions. And if you have further queries, then simply post them on our Facebook page

You should also check out our new resources page which lists many free online resources that can help you with your research. You may find some that you were not aware of.

Want to have a DNA test?
Are you coming to the Back to Our Past event in October? If so, be sure to visit the FTDNA stand where you can get DNA tests at discounted prices.

And for some lucky people, a Free DNA Test is just around the corner. We're giving some away in the run-up to the Back to Our Past exhibition, and for other people there are free sponsored tests if you have a certain surname - check out the Free DNA Tests page for more details.

The more Irish people who test, the more we learn of our unique genetic heritage.

Dr James Watson unveiling a DNA sculpture
in Dublin's Botanic Gardens (April 2013)

1 comment:

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